Rockets, Knicks show solidarity during national anthem

The Rockets and Knicks players stood along one sideline with their arms locked shoulder-to-shoulder during the singing of the national anthem prior to Tuesday night’s game at Toyota Center.

It was the preseason opener for the Knicks and the second game for the Rockets, who did not hold any kind of protest or demonstration Sunday night when they played the Shanghai Sharks.

Most of the Rockets players had previously said they respected the activism of San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who has been kneeling during the anthem and started a social dialogue. However none of the Rockets said they were planning to join in a protest action.

“When it comes to a situation like that, you’re free to demonstrate the way you want to do it,” Rockets guard Patrick Beverley said on media day. “I do think everybody goes about it different ways. That’s the greatest thing about America, freedom that we have.”