Ask Me Anything with Jorian Donovan

Ask Me Anything with Jorian Donovan

Senators' prospect Jorian Donovan hosted an AMA on Reddit this past Sunday.

This past weekend at the 2024 Prospects Challenge in Buffalo, Senators’ defensive prospect Jorian Donovan took the time during his day off on Sunday to answer questions from Sens fans.

From 11-12 a.m., Donovan took to Reddit to answer questions on the r/OttawaSenators forum. From talking hockey to using vegetables as weapons, Donovan covered it all.

Q: It could be a current or former player — who do you model your game after?

A: I used to model my game after Erik Karlsson but now I model it after Jake Sanderson.

Q: Who is your favourite Senator of all time, and why is it Daniel Alfredsson?

A: Yes, it is Daniel Alfredsson, because as a kid I would go to his house and play with his kids, and we lived beside them!

Q: How did you learn how to do the Rubik’s cube?

A: My mom gave me one for something to do on bus rides and I ended up finding a book for it and watching YouTube videos to learn it. My fastest time is 13 seconds!

Q: Favourite pre-game meal?

A: Rice, chicken, broccoli. Pretty basic but I always try to eat the same thing.

Q: Which vegetable do you think would make the best weapon?

A: A hot pepper. You break it open and put it on your hands.

Q: What is your favourite thing about the Sens?

A: I think we’ve got one of the best logos and jerseys in the NHL.

Q: What’s your pre-game ritual?

A: I always say a prayer during O’ Canada. Other than that, I don’t have rituals, just some habits.

The full AMA with Donovan can be found HERE!