Michele Roberts re-elected executive director of National Basketball Players Association

NEW YORK — Michele Roberts was re-elected as Executive Director of the National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) at Tuesday’s annual summer meeting of the Board of NBA Player Representatives. The Board of Player Representatives and the Executive Committee voted unanimously to approve another 4-year term for Ms. Roberts, who has served as Executive Director since September 2014.

“I am honored that the players have put their trust in me for another four years,” said NBPA Executive Director Michele Roberts. “It has been a pleasure to work on their behalf and I believe we as a union have accomplished a lot in addition to negotiating the latest collective bargaining agreement. I look forward to continuing to serve the best interests of the players by using my voice and my position to advocate on their behalf.”

Ms. Roberts will continue to work alongside NBPA President Chris Paul, who himself was recently re-elected to a second 4-year term in 2017.

“Our goal when we hired Michele was to take back our union,” said NBPA President Chris Paul. “With her leadership and guidance, we have not only accomplished that but we have also established the NBPA as one of the strongest and most active unions in all of professional sports. She is truly an invaluable asset and I am thrilled that we will get to continue our work together.”

Paul leads the NBPA’s Executive Committee whose other members include First Vice President LeBron James, Secretary-Treasurer Anthony Tolliver and Vice Presidents Carmelo Anthony, Stephen Curry, Pau Gasol, Andre Iguodala, CJ McCollum and Garrett Temple.