Kopitar’s kids ask their dad hard-hitting questions in adorable video

Kopitar’s kids ask their dad hard-hitting questions in adorable video

Kings captain grilled by daughter, son on way to Dodgers game

© Los Angeles Kings

Neza and Jakob Kopitar put their dad on the hot seat.

In a video posted by the Los Angeles Kings on social media, Anze Kopitar’s daughter and son asked their dad some important questions on their way to a Los Angeles Dodgers game in August.

The kids were full of giggles as they asked the Kings captain questions about his career, social media trends, his summer and Uncle Drew Doughty‘s teeth.

“Let’s hope this does not air,” Kopitar joked before the questions began.

Neza and Jakob asked their dad some burning questions on the way to the @Dodgers game last week @AnzeKopitar pic.twitter.com/eCKylK45mU

— LA Kings (@LAKings) September 10, 2024

Neza and Jakob revealed they have some lofty expectations for their dad this season when they asked him how many goals he would score.

“A hundred,” Jakob responded.

“A million,” Neza answered which earned a grunt from their dad.

The veteran forward lowered his kids’ expectations, saying he wanted to try to score at least 25 this year.

Things turned silly when the children asked their dad who had the most “rizz” on the Kings.

“I don’t know what rizz means. Do you guys know?” Kopitar asked his kids.

They both insisted they knew, saying it meant “sus” or “suspicious.”

With that incorrect definition of the term (“rizz” is short for charisma), Kopitar answered Quinton Byfield as the most “rizz or sus” player on the team.

“He is kind of sus,” Jakob nodded in agreement.

The kids also asked their father if he was having a “Brat summer,” which none of them knew what that meant.

“Yeah, very Brat,” Kopitar answered. “I don’t know [what that means]. I’m just playing along.”

Neza and Jakob ended the video practicing their “It’s time for Dodgers baseball chant,” which they later performed before the team’s game against the Seattle Mariners.

How bout Neza and Jakob on the #ITFDB pic.twitter.com/nygwdhX19V

— LA Kings (@LAKings) August 22, 2024