Next Woman Up: Maria Gigante, VP of United Kingdom Operations for the Jacksonville Jaguars

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Women are rising up the ranks throughout professional football, earning positions of power in a space that for too long was ruled almost exclusively by men. We’re seeing more and more women breaking barriers in the sport, but what are the stories beyond the headlines? Who are the women shaping and influencing the NFL today? Answering those questions is the aim of the Next Woman Up series. While the conversational Q&As are edited and condensed for clarity, this is a forum for impactful women to share experiences in their own words. Without further ado, we introduce:

Maria Gigante, Jacksonville Jaguars

Position: Vice President of United Kingdom Operations

How did you get your start in a career in football?

I began my journey in the league in December 1993, thanks to a family connection. At the time, there was a vacancy for a receptionist role, which was a good fit for me as I was fresh out of school and lacked substantial experience. I secured that job at the NFL office, which was located at 410 Park Avenue in New York. From that point, I progressively climbed up the ranks within the organization.

At the time, I was employed in retail licensing and my workspace was referred to as a fish bowl. My main duty was to assist people with building entry. The woman sitting next to me served as the assistant to the vice president of our department. As she was planning to leave, she started delegating her tasks to me. Within just two months, I had the opportunity to attend my first Super Bowl in Atlanta with the league, thanks to the work she passed onto me.

That’s when I got more involved in the events side of retail licensing — like trade shows, Super Bowl and Pro Bowl — and I was able to officially work for the VP of the department. He gave me a lot of opportunities to lead projects and events, and I found myself on the international side of the business. My first assignment was a trade show in Monte Carlo. Then I started to do preseason games, so I worked the preseason series games in Tokyo, Mexico and worked across Europe in the 1990s. There were so many different opportunities along the way to build upon my event knowledge and the inner workings of a football team and what it requires when traveling. I was able to make connections with a lot of people around the league and gain experience working with the different teams in international markets.

When the International Series first launched, I was part of the events team in New York, managing the London games from there. The frequent travels were manageable when it was just one game. However, as we started hosting multiple games, the league offered me a two-year stint in the U.K. to establish things and work with their U.K. office.

At the time, I was a divorcee with two young children, and the decision to move wasn’t easy. Despite my uncertainties, I took the leap, leaving my kids in the U.S. while I divided my time between the two countries. After my initial two-year contract, I was asked to stay on for another year. Finally, in 2017, I became a permanent U.K. employee, officially relocating there.

The league had been collaborating with the Jaguars after the outbreak of the pandemic to determine what would be required for a team to successfully conduct a game in the U.K. At the time, I was coordinating with Kelly Flanagan, a former Jaguars executive, and spearheading this project for the league. Upon the successful completion of the first international game in 2021 post-pandemic, Kelly came forward with an attractive offer for me to join the Jaguars in my current capacity and truly build something from scratch. This was the primary factor that enticed me to leave the league and work for a team. There was no predetermined blueprint for how things should be done. Instead, there was a chance to mould and construct something that the team could implement and deliver. Although my new role is similar to my previous position with the league, it’s enjoyable to be part of a team, especially having spent so much time working for the league.

Can you walk me through what being the Vice President of U.K. Operations entails?

When I was first offered the position, the definition of my role was to successfully deliver the game — to develop a relationship with Wembley Stadium, get the contract done and make sure the first game we played was a success. As we were going through that, I got to understand more of the business and everything else the club did in this market. I think there is this preconceived notion that the business is really structured around this one game each year. I feel the opposite. The game is a big part of what we do, but the business is structured on everything outside of that game, with the ability to activate and be successful in the market 365 days a year.

We have an extensive grassroots program, which is probably the largest delivery of flag football in Europe. We have over 90,000 kids playing JagTag and extensive programs underneath our Union Jax Club. There is so much more to what we do than just deliver the game. To me, that was the most exciting bit.

The Jaguars played back-to-back games in the U.K. this season, making them the first team to do so. What were some of the challenges of that? What were some highlights?

The majority of the football operations and logistics for anything team-related in the U.K. is done within my team. We work closely with our football department in the U.S. and lead the charge for the team arrangements. I’d say that was the most challenging part, making sure there was consistency even though the team played the first game at Wembley Stadium and the second at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. That and differentiating the fact that we ran the first game — a home game for us — and being the away team for the second, which the league ran. We navigated the dynamic of having the ability to deliver a game like we would do in Jacksonville, with all of the rights and bells and whistles, before taking a back seat to our game at Tottenham because the Buffalo Bills were the designated team. I found that to be a bit challenging.

Finding out how to really take advantage of it was also a challenge. As an organization, we really wanted to maximize every opportunity. There was an overwhelming sense that everything needed to go well for the football team, so we knew we had to deliver and be successful. I would say winning both games in London then coming off the trip and winning vs. Indianapolis was the trifecta, if you will.

Having worked within the league for 30 years, are you at all surprised to see how the game has grown internationally?

Reflecting on our past preseason games in Tokyo, it was quite a challenging task to get the teams to consent. The journey there was almost a full day, and then we had to arrange housing, navigate language barriers, and adjust to time differences. It often felt like a losing battle even before we arrived. However, once the teams were there and everything was set in motion, the potential for success was apparent. Despite my experience with Super Bowls and Pro Bowls, I’ve always been more intrigued by the international opportunities because they offered such a unique experience. It was amazing to see the fan base expand and the fans appreciate our efforts. We never took anything for granted.

I guess I am surprised by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s ambition, especially having a regular-season game in Brazil next season. There were three games in the U.K. and two in Germany this year. We are so spread out, but at the same time, I truly believe it is the right thing for the league to be doing. Having seen it grow from those first preseason games, it absolutely makes sense that we’re in this progression.

Focusing on the U.K. specifically, how do you see the league growing there?

I would love the Jags to be the team that truly becomes the U.K.’s team. Given the other NFL teams in the U.K. market, I believe we have a little bit of a leg up. It’s certainly a market that can sustain a team, given how much the fandom has grown, the enthusiasm from commercial partnerships, and media partners wanting to do more with us. There has been great momentum, and we’ve seen a bit of a shift in terms of a team coming over and operating the game. We’re seeing it’s possible to be successful. If I had my wish, we’d be playing more games here, but of course, there is a balance.

My desire is to witness further expansion of American football in the market, and I am optimistic about the increased possibilities to discuss our other initiatives, such as grassroots programs, that contribute to the sport’s growth. This encapsulates the essence of Jaguars. We are pioneers in the global initiatives of the league. We back the league’s efforts to promote American football in the U.K., and we take pride in this, knowing it benefits all parties, the owners and our organization alike.

It has been great to see how much the sport has grown. Now, let’s shift to mentorship. Do you have any mentors who’ve helped you along the way, and what advice have you received from them?

Throughout my career, I’ve been fortunate to work under some fantastic bosses, both male and female. These individuals often played the role of mentors, shaping my professional journey. One such mentor is Dawn Aponte, the NFL’s Chief Football Administrative Officer. Dawn, like me, hails from Staten Island and has been incredibly supportive, even though our family dynamics differ. As a mother, I made unconventional choices for my children, for which I faced judgment. However, through my conversations with Dawn, I was reassured that I was on the right path.

Another mentor is Sara Levinson, former president of NFL properties. Being a mother herself and one of the first women in a leadership role in the league, she often checked in on me, ensuring I had the support I needed. She has always been a steadfast advocate for me, and I am grateful to have found many such supportive individuals in the league.

More recently, I’ve been learning a lot from Kelly Flanagan, particularly from her composed and approachable demeanor in meetings. Her thoughtful communication has left a deep impression on me and played a significant role in my decision to join the Jags.

And now paying it forward: What advice do you have for women interested in a career in football?

Never presume that your gender will hinder your progress. If you do your work diligently and proficiently, opportunities will come your way. My journey didn’t begin in a prestigious Ivy League institution, nor did I have the scholastic background that others in my field possessed. However, through hard work, dedication, and countless hours, I managed to establish a solid reputation.

How have you seen the industry change for women since you began your career?

There’s undeniably more focus and opportunity for women in sports today. It’s no longer uncommon. Nowadays, in a meeting, you might find three or four women, unlike earlier in my career when I might have been the only one.

Lastly, what would you say you are most proud of?

The greatest achievement for me is succeeding in my career while simultaneously being a mother to my two amazing children, who have witnessed my growth in this role. I’ve managed to relocate to another country without losing our bond, and now they are here with me. The fact that we’ve come through this journey together and emerged stronger on the other side is truly rewarding. Thanks to my job, my children have been exposed to a considerable part of the world, and they not only understand and respect it, but also aspire to be a part of it.