Next Woman Up: Ameena Soliman, Director of Personnel Operations/Pro Scout for the Philadelphia Eagles

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Women are rising up the ranks throughout professional football, earning positions of power in a space that for too long was ruled almost exclusively by men. We’re seeing more and more women breaking barriers in the sport, but what are the stories beyond the headlines? Who are the women shaping and influencing the NFL today? Answering those questions is the aim of the Next Woman Up series. While the conversational Q&As are edited and condensed for clarity, this is a forum for impactful women to share experiences in their own words. Without further ado, we introduce:

Ameena Soliman, Philadelphia Eagles

Position: Director of Personnel Operations/Pro Scout

How did you get your start in a career in football?

During my college application process, I was certain about wanting a career related to football, although the specifics were unclear. Upon enrolling in Temple University, I contacted the football operations director, seeking a role, paid or voluntary. My involvement with operations and recruitment began in late 2013, working alongside Matt Rhule and his team for several years. Even after Rhule’s departure to Baylor, I continued as a graduate assistant in operations and recruitment.

Following this, I spent less than a year at the league office in New York, handling player personnel, which differed from the same role with individual teams. My responsibilities included player transactions, salary cap, and the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) – all administrative tasks related to player movements.

Though I enjoyed the job, I yearned to return to a team. Learning about an opportunity with the Philadelphia Eagles from my boss at the league office seemed perfect; considering I was already residing in Philly and commuting to New York. I accepted a six-week internship with the Eagles, and was offered a chance to return post-internship, for which I am grateful. Had the continuation not been guaranteed, I might have refrained from taking the internship, as it would have required leaving my league office job. Eventually, I stayed on with the Eagles, transitioning from a full-year intern to a higher role.

You mentioned knowing you wanted to work in football. Where did your passion for the game come from?

I was raised as an Eagles fan and had always envisioned myself as a sports medicine doctor, especially given my upbringing around numerous doctors and medical professionals. I thought that was the conventional route to take, only with a sports twist. It was during a career planning class in the 11th grade when a teacher questioned our career choices. When I shared my ambition and she asked if I enjoyed medicine, I admitted that it was sports I was passionate about, not medicine. That conversation was the first time I recognized that there were alternative paths I could explore.

Now that you are in your sixth season with the Eagles, how has your role expanded to what it is today?

My journey in player evaluation began as a scouting intern, which was my inaugural experience in this field. Prior to this, my experience was rooted in administrative roles in New York and assisting with matters unrelated to the field during my college years. This was my first foray into a more hands-on role. As an intern and later as a player personnel coordinator, my tasks mainly consisted of administrative support for the scouting department. Rather than analyzing a player and completing a report, I was often responsible for ensuring the quality of documents for scouts or organizing our road scouts. Simultaneously, I was learning the ropes of scouting in my own time. I was fortunate enough to have many colleagues in the organization who spent significant time with me watching players and helping me refine my sample reports. It wasn’t until the middle of my second year that I transitioned into an evaluation role.

In the NFL, most scouting departments are divided into two parts: college scouting and pro scouting. College scouts frequently travel to schools and games, while pro scouts typically work in-house. For us, pro scouts focus on tasks such as scouting opponents, managing free agency, trades, players on waivers, etc. As part of the player operations, I assist in organizing events where we all gather, such as the NFL Scouting Combine. Additionally, I ensure we’re all aligned, especially because many of our college scouts are often on the road. It’s crucial that we all remain connected and that operations are running seamlessly. I essentially act as a link, facilitating communication amongst everyone.

As a player evaluator, my focus is primarily on pro scouting. I often prepare scouting advances where I observe potential opponents and create reports for our coaches. This also applies to free agency, potential trade candidates, or players from the practice squad – basically, any method we could use to secure a new player. However, when the draft preparation phase begins with all-star games and the combine, I shift my attention towards evaluating college players, either by their school or their position.

What was the process of learning how to scout and evaluate players?

Though I didn’t start evaluating until 2018, I faced the same challenges as any man who hasn’t played football. Despite watching the game and understanding how it’s played, I hadn’t dissected it or written a scouting report before. There was a learning curve, but it wasn’t as difficult as I anticipated. I knew it would be challenging and require growth. You don’t improve instantly; however, the more players you observe, the more knowledge you accumulate about what to look for or avoid. Like most scouts, I am continually learning and developing as I watch more players.

My transition in Philly has been made incredibly smooth. I was gradually integrated, with numerous people dedicating their time to help me reach a point of comfort. I consider myself fortunate to be a part of an organization that invests time and resources in my development.

Ameena Soliman films a portion of the Philadelphia Eagles' practice. (Photo courtesy of the Eagles)

What is the most challenging part of your job?

Balancing work and personal life can be challenging, especially in our demanding industry with its high-pressure environment. Our work hours are often long and the schedule unpredictable. However, the silver lining is that I love what I do. If I could show my 10-year-old self what I do now, she would be overjoyed to see that I earn my living by watching football. Looking at the bigger picture, I feel a profound sense of gratitude and appreciation.

It’s no secret that the Eagles have fielded great rosters under general manager Howie Roseman. What do you think is the key to the success of the personnel department?

I won’t delve into details, but broadly speaking, our department is filled with excellent individuals. Regardless if we are dealing with college or professional players, it’s a collective effort. Whether it involves medical, player engagement or other sectors, everyone excels in communication and teamwork. We all have a deep-seated enjoyment of working together, and I maintain that if we didn’t appreciate each other, our jobs would become unbearable given the 15 hours we often spend together daily. It’s a vibrant, cooperative atmosphere brimming with intelligent individuals all striving towards making informed decisions together.

Do you have a favorite moment of your time with the Eagles?

I enjoy nearly every aspect of my job, but I’ll take you back to the 2020 pandemic. The number of people allowed inside our facility was limited, creating an intense, all-in team environment. I found myself assisting our video department, filming the defensive line throughout the season’s practices. This experience broadened my skills as an employee by deepening my understanding of that department’s operations, and it also enhanced my scouting abilities. Normally in scouting, we have a particular perspective and use specific jargon. Hearing the coaches discuss player’s footwork and other aspects I wouldn’t normally consider gave me new insights and made me a superior scout. I absorbed knowledge throughout that entire year. After this experience, I felt more confident evaluating that position. The coaches were kind enough to include me in their discussions, furthering my learning. Although 2020 was not a great season and the circumstances made it a challenging year for football, the amount I learned was invaluable.

What is next in terms of what you want to accomplish?

Acquiring a Super Bowl ring would be fantastic. Unfortunately, I wasn’t part of the 2017 season as I joined just after. We almost achieved it last year.

Switching over to mentorship, do you have any mentors who have helped you along the way? And what have you learned from them?

I owe my growth to numerous individuals and organizations – from Temple to the league office to the Philadelphia Eagles. Each entity I’ve been involved with, and every person that has embraced me, has contributed to my development. Particularly in Philadelphia, there is a thriving culture of internal development, bolstered by exemplary ownership and leadership. They have not only welcomed me but also provided unwavering support. It’s fair to say that many here have gone the extra mile to bring me to my current position.

Do you have any advice for women who want to get into scouting?

My counsel for women considering a career in scouting is identical to that for anyone else pursuing the same path. The field is highly competitive, so it’s crucial to be a decent human being, be receptive to learning, and have the eagerness to soak up knowledge and ask questions. Many people begin their journey as an intern, and while some tasks may seem trivial, they serve as opportunities to demonstrate your capabilities and establish trust. Remember that your reputation, be it positive or negative, will stick with you, so maintaining your relationships is essential.